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Шукова Г. В. Social and Psychological Aspects of Cross-Species Interaction between Humans and Pets. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Educational Acmeology. Developmental Psychology, 2015, vol. , iss. 1, pp. 83-86. DOI:

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Social and Psychological Aspects of Cross-Species Interaction between Humans and Pets


In the present study needs and personal characteristics of dog's owners and non-owners are compared. It was revealed that some needs and personal characteristics are significant predictors of attitude and behavior type with animals. In the pet owners personal sphere has been allocated the directivity to a particular type of communication with the pets, which can be described as a socio-positive and innovative. Separately, it should be emphasized that this type of communication is characterized by it's have not incorporates the component of compensation. This provision is debatable against deficit model pet relations, according to which the role of the pet comes down to compensation / stagnation personal problems of owner.


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