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Толочек В. А. The Phenomenon of “Resources”: Topos and Chronos in the Actualization of Environmental Conditions as Resources. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Educational Acmeology. Developmental Psychology, 2018, vol. 7, iss. 3, pp. 250-?. DOI:

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The Phenomenon of “Resources”: Topos and Chronos in the Actualization of Environmental Conditions as Resources


The aim of the research is to study the relationship between the measure of social success of middle-aged people and the conditions of the social environment (spatial characteristics) and the temporal characteristics of their actualization (usage, creation, acquisition) as resources. Hypothesis: the conditions of the social environment, actualized as resources at different time stages of the social formation of the subject, have different significance for representatives of different social groups. Methods and approaches: a research method (“Lifestyle” questionnaire); methods of parametric statistics (descriptive statistics, correlation analysis, factor analysis, discriminant analysis, multiple and regression analysis, t-comparison). The innovation of the research results: the total sample (representatives of three professions – accountants, private entrepreneurs, managers aged 30 to 55, N = 218) was repeatedly divided into two or three subgroups according to different criteria. The criteria of division were socio-demographic and work-related characteristics (gender, age, marital status, absence or presence of children, length of work and family life, job position, profession, place of residence etc.), and their derivatives (“Promptness of career”, “family”). The article demonstrated the differences between the allocated social groups (by gender, age, profession, position etc.) in the context of certain conditions of circumstances and the time of their actualization for the success of self-realization of people in the sphere of work (in a profession, in a career) and family. Conclusions: The conditions of the social environment, actualized as resources at different stages of time of the subject’s social formation, have different significance for representatives of different social groups. The variables, in which the differences between the allocated social groups reached a level of statistical significance, were: marital status, the presence and number of children, the place of birth, the education and job position of the father and mother, the recognition of the role of the father and mother in the development of their professionalism, acknowledgement of the role of women, men, leaders, work collectives, circumstances, science. The conditions of the social environment are unequal in relation to different manifestations of the social success of people. For most of the significant conditions of the social environment, there are no linear dependencies.


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