психологическая безопасность

Psychological Well-Being of Subjects of the Educational Process in the Context of Gender Features of Its Organization

The purpose of the study presented in the article is comparative analysis of level characteristics of subjectively perceived psychological well-being of the participants in the educational process in mono- and heterogenous educational space. It is supposed that there is interrelation between gender factors incorporated in a certain model of educational environment and subjective evaluation of psychological security of participants of educational process.

Time of Danger and Safety in Students’ Subjective Experience

The paper aims to identify the characteristics of how the time of danger and safety is represented in university students’ experience. This is achieved by using a technique developed by the authors on a sample of 130 students majoring in pedagogical sciences, aged 18–20 years. The study established that identifying the time of safety is based on the students’ subjective experience, while identifying the time of danger may draw on someone else’s emotionally strong experience.

Психологическая безопасность образовательной среды как условие развития адаптационной готовности старшеклассников

В статье обсуждаются вопросы психологической безопасности образовательной среды как фактора развития адаптационной готовности личности старшеклассника. Обозначен ряд проблем, связанных с адаптационной готовностью старшеклассника, и возможные пути их решения.