учебная деятельность

Characteristics of the ultimate meanings and students’ life-purpose orientations depending on the gender

 The relevance of the study is conditioned by rapid transition to digital forms of education, which is associated with the pandemic. Students have changed the way they interact with teachers and with each other, which constantly leads to transformation of personal meanings, values, rethinking of their purpose and role in the educational process. The purpose of the study, presented in the article, is to investigate unusual characteristics of the semantic sphere regarding male and female students’ academic activity.

The Definition of theConcept “Individual Educational Trajectory” by the Content Analysis Method

The article presents the results of a theoretical analysis of the interpretation of the concept of “individual educational trajectories” in teaching and educational environment, the relevance of which is due to objective needs and insufficient development of the organization of the process of self-determination and self-realization of the student.


Изложены результаты анализа сопоставления знакового и символического опосредствования в учебной деятельности на основе теоретических данных и собственных исследований автора. Показано, что роли символа и знака в учебной деятельности неодинаковы на разных этапах обучения: на начальном этапе знаковое и символическое опосредствования равно неэффективны, к концу младшего школьного возраста формируется символическое обобщение в мышлении, достигающее пика к 6–8 классу.