удовлетворенность жизнью

Interrelation between Discriminatory Attitudes and Characteristics of Life Satisfaction, Happiness in Young People

The purpose of the study presented in the article is to establish the interrelation between discriminatory attitudes and characteristics of life satisfaction, happiness in young people. The study was carried out on a sample of people (N = 168; mean age=27.63), mostly females (78.6%), using the following psycho-diagnostic tools: questionnaire that includes 8 scales focusing on self-assessment of discriminatory attitudes to the Other (R. M Shamionov, M. V. Grigoryeva), “Satisfaction with Life Scale” (by E. Diener, adapted by D. A. Leontiev, E. N. Osin) and “Subjective Happiness Scale” (by S.

The Structure of Subjective Well-Being and Satisfaction with Life in Adolescence

The study covers affective and cognitive-emotional components of life satisfaction, the level of satisfaction of vital needs and activity of adolescents. The sample consisted of 146 adolescents aged 14–17 years (orphans, adolescents temporarily living apart from their families due to studying in another city, adolescents living in nuclear and extended families). Methods: life satisfaction scale by E. Diener, questionnaire regarding satisfaction with different spheres of life, satisfaction of vital needs scale by O. S.

Self-Realization and Satisfaction with Life in Adolescents: Psychological and Pedagogical Aspects

Modern educational practice has no clear scientific understanding regarding the specifics of self-realization of adolescents in connection with their satisfaction with life. Analysis of the concept of “selfrealization” in modern psychological discourse has revealed three well-represented in scientific literature ways of self-realization: selfexpression, self-realization and self-transcendence. It is shown that methods of self-realization can be correlated with different vectors of its orientation.

Cross-Cultural Peculiars of Coping Strategies of the Russian and the French Students in the Context of Psychological Well-Being

The goal of the empirical study described in the article was to identify the cross-cultural characteristics of coping strategies and psychological well-being undertaken on a sample of the Russian (n = 70) and the French (n = 70) students aged 18 to 25 years old using the following psychodiagnostic tools: “Scale of psychological well-being” (by C. Riff, adapted by N. N. Lepeshinsky), “Ways of Coping Questionnaire” (WCQ, adapted by T. L. Kryukova and E. V. Kuftyak).

Strategies of Socio-Psychological Adaptation as Predictors of Subjective Well-Being of the Unemployed Person

The article presents the results of a theoretical study of parameters of socio-psychological adaptation as predictors of subjective well-being of the individual with different employment situations. It is shown that subjective well-being of a person is determined, in particular, by his/her desire for dominance in relationships, adequate integration of the individual in society, external control, comfortable emotional state, the desire to avoid solving problems and taking responsibility by escaping reality.

Satisfaction with Different Life Aspects as an Indicator of Social and Psychological Adaptation Success of Fellow Countrymen in Russia

The article presents the results of analysis of individual-personal factor of social and psychological adaptation of migrant compatriots from the former Soviet countries to the conditions of the host countries – life satisfaction in general and different aspects of life in particular. It de monstrates the complexity and uncertainty of the studied phenomenon of life satisfaction and phenomenon’s conditionality. The paper describes a variety of determinants of life satisfaction.

Attitude to Politico-Social Phenomena and Satisfaction with Life in Representatives of Different Ethnic Groups

The article presents the results of theoretical and empirical investigation, which is devoted to socio-political phenomena and satisfaction with life. The investigation was made on a sample of representatives of the Russian, Tartar and Kazakhs ethnic groups (Saratov Region, N = 30). The author uses a complex of psychological and pedagogic techniques: questionnaire compiled by the author (for investigation of attitudes to socio-political phenomena), «Index of satisfaction with life test» (by N. V. Panina), «Scale of subjective well-being» (by M. V.

Criteria of Subjective Personal Well-Being: Socio-Cultural Determinancy

We have attempted theoretical analysis of social and cultural determination of the criteria of subjective well-being on the basis of which judgments about happiness, satisfaction with life and oneself are

Саморазвитие и удовлетворенность жизнью в юношеском возрасте

Представлены результаты исследования, направленного на изучение саморазвития и удовлетворенности жизнью современной молодежи. Выборка исследования состояла из 315 респондентов, 137 юношей и 178 девушек в возрасте от 16 до 23 лет. Рассматриваются такие аспекты саморазвития, как самопринятие и самосовершенствование, изученные с помощью шкалы самопринятия «Опросника самоотношения» В. В. Столина и методики «Опросник перфекционизма» Н. Г. Гаранян и А. Б. Холмогоровой. Показано, что удовлетворенность жизнью положительно связана с самопринятием и негативно – с перфекционными тенденциями молодежи.