адаптационная готовность

Types of Adaptive Personality Readiness in the School Learning Environment

The article presents the results of an empirical study of high school students’ adaptive readiness. The issue of adaptive personality readiness is important today and it is driven by the necessity of students’ readiness development to adaptation and incompetence of psychological knowledge about typological characteristics of adaptive readiness. The article carries out the analysis of the problems of adaptive personality readiness development in contemporary psychology.

Adaptability Readiness of the Schoolchild: Results of the Scientific and Practical Workshop

The results of the scientific and practical workshop «Adaptability Readiness of the Schoolchild: Results of the Scientific and Practical Workshop», conducted on the basis of the SSU, were summed up. N. G. Chernyshevsky May 21, 2017.

Problem of Adaptable Readiness of the Person: Results of the Scientific and Practical Workshop

The results of the scientific and practical workshop «The Problem of Adaptability of Personality Readiness», conducted on the basis of the Saratov State University, were summed up. N. G. Chernyshevsky April 20, 2017.

Adaptive Readiness of Secondary School Students

This article presents the results of theoretical and long-term empirical study of adaptive readiness of secondary school students. Students (N = 83) and class teachers (N = 3) participated in the longitudinal study. The use of the following complexes of psychological and pedagogical instruments allowed to study the dynamics of adaptive readiness of students with initially high and low levels: «Chart of monitoring students’ adaptiveness and effectiveness of their learning activities» by E. S. Eskina, T. L. Bolbot, «Intellectual abilities test for children» by K.

Adaptive Readiness of Elementary and High School Students According to the Evaluation of Educational Process Participants

The paper presents the results of a theoretical and empirical study of adaptive readiness of elementary and high school students. The longitudinal study included students (N = 94) and class teachers (N = 3). The use of a combination of psycho-pedagogical techniques, a questionnaire designed by the author to study adaptive readiness based on five criteria, and the chart of monitoring students’ adaptiveness and effectiveness of their learning activities (designed by E. S. Eskina, T. L.

Adaptation Readiness of First Graders in Estimates of Participants of Educational Process

The article suggests the data of theoretical and empirical research of the problems of sportsmen resistance to factor-influence caused by the influence of society he/she is directly interacting in the course of his/her activity. Traditionally the members of this society are coaches, team-mates, competitors, and specialists of the present area: all these people are the carriers of social opinion on the level of sportsman readiness and his competitive opportunities. The article points

Adaptation Readiness of Personality to Situations of Social Changes

The article presents the results of theoretical and empiric research of adaptation readiness of personality. It has been shown that adaptation readiness is not only the result of difficult cooperation between external and internal factors but also an integral effect of multi-level integration of regulatory systems (subsystems) of personality.


В статье рассматриваются взаимосвязь профессиональных предпочтений и представления о профессиональном будущем студентов-психологов. Показано, что представления о профессиональном будущем являются одним из факторов адаптационной готовности к профессиональной деятельности, от их качества зависят удовлетвореность профессиональными перспективами, интерес к учебе, готовность вкладывать силы в профессиональное становление. 

Родительское отношение в семье и формирование адаптационной готовности выпускника школы

В статье рассматривается взаимосвязь родительского отношения и формирования адаптационной готовности выпускника школы. Показано, что образовательное пространство школы и семья влияют на освоение навыков, обеспечивающих социальную адаптацию

Роль адаптационных способностей учащихся в процессе взаимодействия с образовательной средой

В статье обосновывается необходимость исследования и развития адаптационных способностей выпускников школ; раскрывается содержание понятия «адаптационные способности». Дифференцируются определения адаптационного потенциала, личностного потенциала и адаптационных способностей личности; проанализирована роль адаптационных способностей учащихся в процессе их взаимодействия с образовательной средой. Адаптационные способности характеризуются как качества, способствующие эффективному функционированию динамичной системы взаимодействий индивида со средой.
