
Личность, творчество, самореализация

Статья посвящена анализу категорий творчества, личности, самореализации в психологии, соотношениям реального Я и демонстративного Я; излагается авторское понимание творчества как трансперсонального феномена, самореализации как выхода за пределы своих ограничений.

The Definition of theConcept “Individual Educational Trajectory” by the Content Analysis Method

The article presents the results of a theoretical analysis of the interpretation of the concept of “individual educational trajectories” in teaching and educational environment, the relevance of which is due to objective needs and insufficient development of the organization of the process of self-determination and self-realization of the student.

Self-Realization and Satisfaction with Life in Adolescents: Psychological and Pedagogical Aspects

Modern educational practice has no clear scientific understanding regarding the specifics of self-realization of adolescents in connection with their satisfaction with life. Analysis of the concept of “selfrealization” in modern psychological discourse has revealed three well-represented in scientific literature ways of self-realization: selfexpression, self-realization and self-transcendence. It is shown that methods of self-realization can be correlated with different vectors of its orientation.

Hardiness as a Predictor of Self-Realization in Difficult Life Situations

The article presents the results of a study which conclusively prove a correlation between self-realization and the individual’s hardiness. It is shown that under certain conditions (in difficult life situations) hardiness as a property of the personality is a predictor of self-fulfillment of the subjects of activity. The article outlines modern trends in research of self-realization in the context of the system paradigm. It further identifies main individual and personal determinants of the manifestation of personal self-realization. The methodological basis of this study was S. I.

Eudaimonism versus Existentialism: Once Again on Values and Meaning of Life

The article uncovers similarities and differences in approaches to finding the meaning of life from the positions of V. Frankl’s existentialism and eudaemonism. In order to illustrate provisions of the letter we used «Personally –oriented concept of happiness», which was developed by the author of the article. It is shown the status of values, which V. Frankl gave to pleasant emotions, serves as a paradoxical proof of hedonistic orientation of logotherapy.

Peculiarities of Self-Realization in Students with Different Levels of Persistence Manifestation

The results of empirical studies of the characteristics of self-realization in relation to the different levels of persistence, performed on a sample of students in the framework of the concept of dispositional personality traits and personality A. I. Krupnova. Application of a complex psychodiagnostic tools, «A multidimensional questionnaire self-realization» (S. I. Kudinov), «Express barchart self-assessment» (S. I. Kudinov), a blank test of self-realization (S. I. Kudinov), Test persistence (A. I.

Специфика самореализации личности в различных сферах жизнедеятельности с разными уровнями самоактуализации и субъективного благополучия

Изложены основные идеи исследования процессов самоактуализации и переживания субъективного благополучия. Представлены результаты эмпирического исследования, выполненного на случайной выборке (N = 226 человек в возрасте от 16 до 67 лет) с применением диагностического инструментария: методики «Диагностика самоактуализации личности» (А. В. Лазукина в адаптации Н. Ф. Калиной); «Шкалы субъективного благополучия» (М. В.