
Empirical Types of Social Maturity in Young People

The paper presents the results of an empirical study aimed at the identification of empirical types of social maturity in young people; its relevance is due to the lack of typology of social maturity in modern socio-psychological literature. The study was performed on a sample of young people aged 18 to 30 years old (347 people, including 178 women and 169 men).

Experience of Unfair Situations in University Students in the Course of Educational Process

The relevance of the research topic is conditioned by insufficient coverage of unfair situations-related experience in students in the course of educational process. Studying the experience of unfair situations during the communicative interaction of university professors and students reflects the ways of personal development and contributes to the improvement of psychological climate in student life. The purpose of the study is to identify students’ experiences of unfair situations arising in the educational process and various types of sensitivity to justice, as well as values.

Система ценностей лидеров общественных организаций

В статье рассматриваются система взглядов и ценностей лидеров общественных организаций г. Оренбурга, а также результаты интервью, проведенного с ними.

Ценности и смыслы жизни как внутренние ресурсы психически больных

В статье рассматриваются ценности и смыслы жизни как часть внутренних ресурсов; дается описание доминирующих ценностей и смыслов жизни, характерных для больных шизофренией.

Ценности и мотивы личности как факторы выбора профессии выпускниками школ

В статье рассматриваются ценности и мотивы как факторы профессионального самоопределения старшеклассников, их место в структуре социализации личности, представлены результаты исследования ценностей и мотивов выбора профессии выпускниками школ.

The Influence of Men's Age and Subjective Regulation Type on the Images of an Ideal Woman and Wife

The purpose of the study is to identify the features of the subjective images of an ideal woman and wife due to the age of men and their inherent types of subject regulation. The hypothesis was tested that the images of the ideal woman and the wife in men will be influenced by both their age and the type of their subjective regulation. The study was conducted among men of Naberezhnye Chelny, the total number of subjects was 120 people. The age of the subjects ranged from 18 to 55 years. The questionnaires “Autonomy–dependence” and “Masculinity– femininity” were used.

Problems and Perspectives of the Study of Young People’s Social Activity

The purpose of the study presented in the article is to give a theoretical review of articles devoted to the problem of social activity and its types. The urgency of the study of social activity is conditioned by the need to study psychological mechanisms of formation, development and forms of its manifestation in young people under the changing conditions of the social environment. The article presents the main definitions of the notion of social activity from the interdisciplinary perspective.

The Value-Based Personality Structure of Compatriots in the Context of Their Return to their Historical Homeland

The relevance of the research is driven by the importance of studying the value-based personality structure in the context of their adaptation to a new ethno and socio-cultural environment. The goal of the research is to study the value hierarchy of migrants who have received the status of a participant in the State program to assist the voluntary resettlement of compatriots living abroad to the Russian Federation. The theoretical basis for the study is Schwartz’ refined theory of basic personal values.

An Individual and a Virtual Organization: Psychological Problems and Prospects of Scientific Research

The article deals with the analysis of psychological problems, which people of today face increasingly in a changing organizational world. Today, both organizations and work activities are undergoing dramatic changes that affect basic principles of the functioning and development of the organization and change the system of knowledge, skills and abilities that ensured work accomplishment in traditional organization.

Eudaimonism versus Existentialism: Once Again on Values and Meaning of Life

The article uncovers similarities and differences in approaches to finding the meaning of life from the positions of V. Frankl’s existentialism and eudaemonism. In order to illustrate provisions of the letter we used «Personally –oriented concept of happiness», which was developed by the author of the article. It is shown the status of values, which V. Frankl gave to pleasant emotions, serves as a paradoxical proof of hedonistic orientation of logotherapy.
