
Ethical and psychological factors of social activity of modern young people

The purpose of the study presented in the article is an empirical study of the relationship between characteristics of moral selfdetermination and various forms of social activity of young people. The study involves students (N = 236): high school students (n = 118) and university students (n = 118) of Saratov and Saratov Oblast (Russia) aged from 17 to 19 years. We use the following techniques as methodological tools: a questionnaire aimed at registering various forms of social activity and the degree of its manifestation (R. M. Shamionov, I. V. Arendachuk, E. E.

Analysis of Relationship between Commitment to Civic Engagement and Socio-Psychological Characteristics of Students

The purpose of the study presented in the article is to identify the relationship between commitment to civic engagement and sociopsychological characteristics of the individual. The study was carried out on a sample of young students (N = 110) aged 17 to 29 years (M = 23, SD = 3.98), 29% of men and 71% of women. The following methodological tools were used: a questionnaire aimed at fixing the socio-demographic characteristics of respondents; a questionnaire, including a scale of self-assessment of social activity and forms of its manifestation (R. M. Shamionov, I. V. Arendachuk, E. E.

Relationship between Perfectionism and Forms of Social Activity among Youth of Different Age Groups

The purpose of the study is to establish the interconnection between perfectionism and forms of social activity in students. The study involved representatives of different age groups, all of whom were students (N = 236): high school students (n = 118) and university students (n = 118) from Saratov and Saratov region aged 17 to 19. The methodological tools, that we used, involved a questionnaire aimed at recording various forms of social activity and the degree of their manifestation (R. M. Shamionov, I. V. Arendachuk, E. E.

Significant Ideas of Acmeology of Education in the Context of B. G. Ananyev’s Heritage

The article presents some approaches to the theory of acmeology of education based on research carried out by B. G. Ananiev. The purpose of the study presented in the article is to give theoretical understanding of the phenomenon of education, relying not only on the achievements of pedagogy, but other sciences about a human, and, above all, psychology and acmeology. It has been shown that acmeology, as the science of creative potential self-realization on the way to the peaks of productivity, cannot bypass a problem of the development of human subjectivity.

Interrelation between Discriminatory Attitudes and Characteristics of Life Satisfaction, Happiness in Young People

The purpose of the study presented in the article is to establish the interrelation between discriminatory attitudes and characteristics of life satisfaction, happiness in young people. The study was carried out on a sample of people (N = 168; mean age=27.63), mostly females (78.6%), using the following psycho-diagnostic tools: questionnaire that includes 8 scales focusing on self-assessment of discriminatory attitudes to the Other (R. M Shamionov, M. V. Grigoryeva), “Satisfaction with Life Scale” (by E. Diener, adapted by D. A. Leontiev, E. N. Osin) and “Subjective Happiness Scale” (by S.

Interdisciplinary Approach to Studying Personal Responsibility

The relevance of the study is determined by the need to form an active personality able to follow the principle of responsibility for decisions made to oneself and the people around. It is emphasized that responsibility is a multidimensional concept and various fields of knowledge study it. The purpose of the research presented in the article is to get a better understanding of the responsibility of the individual from the perspective of sociology and psychology.

Communicative Activity of an Individual with Violated Psychological Boundaries in Communication via a Mobile Phone and the Internet

We present the results of an empirical study aimed at identifying the features of a communicative activity of a person with violated psychological boundaries expanded by modern technical means (the Internet, a mobile phone). According to A. Sh. Tkhostov, psychological boundaries include everything that the individual considers as “his/hers”; the internal criterion of “his/hers” is the controllability of surrounding objects.

The Role of Military Identity, Values and Satisfaction with the Military Service in Responsibility Formation of Cadets

The study of the role of socio-psychological characteristics, which emerge in the process of socialization, in the formation of a responsible attitude of cadets to the military service activities, is an important task of social psychology. The responsibility of the military provides for the successful implementation of their professional activities and stability of the state and society.


В статье излагаются результаты исследования влияния нравственно-психологического фактора на процесс экономической социализации подростков и юношей. На основе эмпирического исследования выявлено влияние уровня развития нравственности на формирование отношения к деньгам и социальному неравенству, представлений об активности в экономической сфере и приоритетах в распределении денежных средств; описаны две основные тенденции экономической социализации подростков и юношей.


В статье рассматривается проблема социализации личности в аспекте реформирования школьного образования в России; дается оценка отечественной государственной образовательной парадигмы и ее направленности на социализацию личности школьника; указывается, что ограниченность деятельности современной школы лишь образовательной целью приводит к сложностям в процессе социализации личности ребенка.
