Изв. Сарат. ун-та. Нов. сер. Сер. Акмеология образования. Психология развития. 2015. Т. 4 , вып. 1. С. 5-98.
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Изв. Сарат. ун-та. Нов. сер. Сер. Акмеология образования. Психология развития. 2015. Т. 4 , вып. 1. С. 5-98.
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Educational Acmeology
Acmeological Approach to Analysis of Achievements of University Teachers Professional Activity
стр. 5
Level Satisfaction Students get from Education: Methods of Diagnosis and Inter-Related Factors
стр. 9
Excursion Technique as Implementation of Subjective-Personal Approach to Studying History of Psychology
стр. 12
Theoretical and Methodological Approaches to Investigations of Psyche’s Development
Socio-Psychological Well-Being of Children in Megapolis : the Methodological Foundations of Research
стр. 21
Psychology of Social Development
The Problem of Developing the Model of Prophylaxis and Prevention Measures Towards Vandal Behavior of Teenage Boys and Young Men
стр. 55
Psychological Peculiarities of Young People with Various Types of Attitude to Extremists
стр. 59
Influence of Ethnic Identity Expressiveness on the Choice of Acculturation Attitude by Migrants
стр. 63
Peculiarities of Cognitive Estimation of Inclusion into the Virtual Community by the Internet Communication Subjects
стр. 66